

In VALMAS MOTORS we pride ourselves on our high level of customer care. We are dedicated to maintain your vehicle to the highest possible standard.

Our expertise means we can look after all your requirements whether for servicing of mechanical repairs. Our parts' department holds the latest accessories and dedicated to ensure that all the items you require are available. For aftersales, Valmas Motors is ready to answer all your queries and is at you service.

Our goal is to excite you with our specialized and high-level service in the best possible price.


You may find yourself under pressure from your insurance company to entrust the repairs to a Bodyshop of their choosing as only one estimate is required. However, you should be aware the choice lies not with the insurance company but with the policyholder. This means you (or your company) are entitled to insist that your vehicle is repaired at your preferred Bodyshop.

Specialized Service...Special Care
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