The makes we undertook are distinguished for their design and technological leadership. Maintaining in a perfect aesthetic and functional condition a car with this heritage is a requirement of its owner but also the main will of Valmas Motors.
That is why we are fully responsible for repair and maintenance by maintaining a well-qualified Bodyshop.
Benefiting from state of the art equipment, highly skilled staff and the latest repair techiques we are perfectly situated to take the best possible care of your car.
Any damage to your vehicle however minor can be distressing, but unless you are on your guard and repairs aren't performed to the necessary standard, what happens next can make matters even worse.
You may find yourself under pressure from your insurance company to entrust the repairs to a Bodyshop of their choosing as only one estimate is required. However, you should be aware the choice lies not with the insurance company but with the policyholder. This means you (or your company) are entitled to insist that your vehicle is repaired at your preferred Bodyshop.